Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How John Grisham Disappoints

The summary at the back of the book is kind of intersting, 3 cheif justice getting trouble from a case in which the accused is a very dangerous person. The cover of the book describes the author as the best story teller ever and 'you can not put the book away' etc.
 Well ask me how difficult it was to hold the book against my eyes with the only text in it was introduction to hundreds of characters till the 3rd chapter almost 50 pages.
And taking Jhon Grisham as the !story! teller which the cover states, where was the story? "his name is Lake he's a congress man, Yuri Goltsin is the name of german army commander, the Justice Beech is youngest of all the three justice and is 53 years old." Do you call this a story.
I have heard that his novels are related to law,court,stock etc but at least there should be a theme in it which I didn't found. The only things were the different cases that were presented to the three judges and how did they dismissed them and how Aron Lake stood up for presidential elections.

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